Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter
Convert decimal numbers to hexadecimal format with this simple converter.
Decimal to Hexadecimal Converter
About Decimal to Hex Conversion
What is Decimal?
Decimal (base-10) is our standard number system using digits 0-9. It's the most commonly used numbering system in everyday life.
What is Hexadecimal?
Hexadecimal (base-16) uses sixteen digits: 0-9 and A-F. It's widely used in computing for color codes, memory addresses, and binary data representation.
Common Uses
Hex numbers are commonly used in web development (CSS colors), programming (memory addresses), and digital systems (binary data representation).
How Decimal to Hex Conversion Works
To convert decimal to hexadecimal:
- Divide the decimal number by 16
- Keep track of the remainder (0-15)
- Convert remainders to hex digits (10=A, 11=B, 12=C, 13=D, 14=E, 15=F)
- Repeat until quotient becomes 0
- Read the remainders from bottom to top
Basic Conversion
Decimal 255 = FF (hex)
Decimal 16 = 10 (hex)
Decimal 10 = A (hex)
Common Values
RGB White: 255,255,255 = #FFFFFF
RGB Black: 0,0,0 = #000000
RGB Red: 255,0,0 = #FF0000
Frequently Asked Questions
Why use hexadecimal numbers?
Hexadecimal numbers provide a more concise way to represent binary data. Each hex digit represents 4 binary digits, making it easier to read and write binary values.
What's the maximum hex value for a byte?
A byte (8 bits) can be represented by two hex digits, ranging from 00 to FF (decimal 0 to 255).
About Decimal to Hexadecimal Conversion
Hexadecimal is a base-16 number system that uses sixteen distinct symbols: the numbers 0-9 and the letters A-F. This numbering system is commonly used in computing and digital systems for its convenient representation of binary-coded values.